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Updated: 2024-08-11

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023 - Thursday, February 23, 2023

We only slept briefly with the familyin Lat Krabang, the alarm goes off at five o'clock.
Today we are going back to the Netherlands, and we are supposed to be at Suvarnabhumi Airport at half past six. That doesn't quite work, we are there at a quarter past seven.
We are going to queue to check in at Emirates, which fortunately goes quickly, but it is busy.
Because Pia is 70, we can use the Fast Lane for security check and immigration, and that seems to be quite faster.

We walk leisurely to the gate, and we can board straight away, we fly the first part to Dubai with an Airbus A380.
The plane leaves on time, the flight is smooth and the service on board is good. We land on time in Dubai, where we have two hours to transfer.
It is very busy at the baggage check for transfers, but fortunately everything goes quickly.
We walk to the gate where we leave, close to the gate where we landed, for the second part of the journey. It is at least half an hour's walk.
After about fifteen minutes we can also board here, now a Boeing 777, which is much more cramped than the Airbus. This part of the flight is also uneventful, but due to the limited space it is much more tiring.

We land on time at Schiphol, where we can quickly go through passport control and customs.
And then we have to wait a while for transport to Apeldoorn.

We get home at about 11 am, almost 24 hours after we woke up.
It is very cold, the end date of the heating holiday program is not set correctly.
We take the food we brought with us from the suitcases and we go to bed, which is also cold, very cold.

Written on: 2023-02-24


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.